Searching for the door knob museum
An incredible display of the human spirit to find purpose in anything

It is likely that many of you reading this have never heard of any door knob museums, let alone being of their existence entirely.

This is a device that men around the world will twist and turn after taking a piss and not washing their hands, and that isn’t even of any significance to anything but the thumb-equipped human.
The fact that this humble device, that becomes nothing but an afterthought to the average person once they’ve mastered it’s use, is of so much significance to a small group of people that they found the need to make an entire museum for it, is itself an incredible display of the human spirit to find purpose in anything.
Yes, the door knob museum does exist, but the problem is that only a vague memory floats in my mind of where I heard about it, so the best thing I could really do was look on Google.
Fortunately, the first result that I clicked on was far better than merely a single door knob museum.

It was an entire website of antique door knob collectors, and they have a directory of museums that are either dedicated to door knobs, or museums that have noteworthy door knob sections.
Honestly, this gem is one of the few ways I find joy in humanity these days. It makes me realise that while our politicians become more like clowns, that while our economic systems continue to cause systemic oppression, there is still someone out there that is actually minding their own business, and simply looking for an antique door knob.